The Impact Of Channel Letters On Outdoor Advertising

Candid Channel Letter For Business in Austin, TX - Georgetown Sign Company

Channel letters signs are a type of three-dimensional exterior sign that can increase visibility and brand awareness for businesses in just about any industry. If you’re looking to enhance the front of your location, a sign company in Austin, Texas can guide you in creating a channel letter sign that looks professional, is easy to read, and is customized specifically to showcase your brand.

One of the reasons why channel letters are a popular choice relates to the fact that they can be illuminated several different ways. An illuminated channel letters sign works even harder for your business as your company name can light up the sky 24 hours a day. Does your current exterior sign help attract customers and generate more sales? If not, it’s time to think about upgrading your outdoor signage by working with a sign company in Austin that can deliver solutions that will help your business grow.

Channel Letter Signs Get Your Business Noticed

Using channel letter signs to support your business can help you meet your sales and growth targets. This excellent signage choice helps people trust your business and also makes it easier for people to recall your brand at a later date. Below are just some of the specific benefits you’ll get from these unique and effective signs.

1. Continuous marketing.

As mentioned, channel letter signs look fantastic when illuminated. Illumination means that your brand can be continuously marketed at all hours of the day. This is critical when it comes to getting your business noticed during early evening, night time and early morning hours. Illuminated exterior signs also send a clear message to customers letting them know you’re open and that you want their business.

There are several ways to illuminate channel letters such as:

  • Front lit.
  • Face lit.
  • Halo lit.

2. Increased visibility and brand image.

Exterior signs do more than simply communicate your company name. They should be professional, inviting and work to attract your target audiences. Due to their size and how well they stand out, channel letters are much harder to ignore. Not only does this mean your sign is more visible, but it also means more impressions when it comes to creating brand awareness and building your reputation.

3. Customization.

Channel letter signs can be customized to suit your needs. From selecting the color, size, font, mount, placement and lighting direction, channel letters can be created to deliver a result that’s unique to your business and your brand. Business owners should also know that even when you customize this exterior sign choice, they’re actually pretty budget friendly, though they look professional and expensive.

Choose Channel Letters For An Exceptional Exterior Sign

Customized channel letter signs can help attract an influx of new customers, making them one of the smartest outdoor building signage options available. If you want your exterior signs in Austin, Texas to be one of your best marketing tools, the team at Georgetown Sign Company has the knowledge and skills to help you design channel letters that elevate your business. Contact us – we’d be happy to learn more about your business and start creating signage solutions that work for you.

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