Lobby signs are your chance to greet visitors and customers with a clean, professional image. You can create an easy-to-navigate environment with signage designs that inform people where they need to go to find their destination. By creating a visitor-friendly lobby with lobby signage, people will be happy to come back to your business time and time again.
At Georgetown Sign Company, we help businesses in Austin, TX, create office lobby signs that enforce their branding and convert passersby into potential customers. We bring them to your business, so you can sell them your products or services.
Create an Inviting Decor with Custom Lobby Signs
Your lobby needs to be an inviting place that way customers will feel encouraged to return at any time. You may not have realized it in the past, but signage has shaped the way you’ve also experienced businesses. So what are some ways to deliver signage that they enjoy?
Cater To Your Audience
With signage, you are trying to deliver a message. The key to delivering any message is to remember your audience. Are you trying to create a fun experience, aimed at children or young adults, or do you want a more professional look? Having sleek, polished signs like acrylic signage helps enforce a professional image.
Embrace Everyone
If you want as many customers as possible, you need to make accommodations for everyone. Consider installing unisex bathroom signs and ADA signs. ADA signs make people with disabilities feel welcome, and they are required by law. Forgetting about them leads to trouble for your business or a bad reputation.
Customize Your Signs to Enforce Your Brand
Everyone is trying to stand out in the world today. Being a successful business owner is harder than ever: you need to take advantage of every opportunity you get. Your reception area is the perfect place to use custom lobby signs to create brand recognition. Your lobby is the first room people enter when they come to your business, so the signs in the lobby are your first chance to create an unforgettable impression. Make sure they remember your name!
Build a Cohesive Business Signage Collection
One way to assert yourself is to have a uniform look in your business. Start with your lobby signs, and build it from there. If everything in your building looks cohesive and on point, you can build trust with your customers.
You can decorate with 3D logo signs or mission statement signs that tell people what your company is all about. Having these in your lobby makes sense because it is the first room in your business, and you can establish a presence right away.
Call Georgetown Sign Company to Learn More
Contact us and find out how we can make your lobby a hit with custom lobby signs.
If you are curious about how we operate and want examples of businesses we’ve helped, reach out to us. We set up free consultations with all our clients and explain upfront our plan to attract customers to your business.